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Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Bowser released from federal prison but has to pay Nintendo for the rest of his working life

Canadian Gary Bowser was indicted in 2020 before being jailed last year for his involvement with a Nintendo hacking group called Team-Xecuter. The charges...

Super Mario Bros movie review round-up: ‘Chris Pratt doesn’t ruin the movie’ but it’s still not that great

There is a Super Mario Bros film hitting cinemas this week, and the question on everyone's lips seems to be: will it ruin my...

The same devs who ported A Link to the Past to PC are reverse-engineering another SNES classic

The developer group going by snesrev on GitHub released an early version of a full port of Super Metroid for PC this week. While...

Someone’s reverse-engineered Perfect Dark for N64 and made a PC port possible

It's been quite a year for Nintendo games on PC. We've had an unofficial port of Ocarina of Time, a full decompilation of A...

Here’s why Wii U emulator Cemu going open source is a big deal for emulation—and for the Steam Deck

On Tuesday, the creator of Wii U emulator Cemu announced a major 2.0 version release, introducing Linux builds for the first time and open...

Here’s Grand Theft Auto 5 on an original Game Boy, somehow

Sebastian Staacks is a coder and good old-fashioned tinkerer, whose blog There Oughta Be is rammed with technical curiosities from LED cubes to an...

Nintendo’s botched N64 emulation proves just how amazing fan emulators are

Nintendo may have access to 25-year-old source code, documentation, and the developers who worked on classic games like Mario 64 and The Legend of...

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