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Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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New World

Amazon disables New World ‘wealth transfers’ to fight gold dupe exploit

Amazon has temporarily disabled all forms of wealth transfer in its new MMO New World, including player-to-player transfers, guild treasuries, sending currency, and trading...

Amazon will ban New World players exploiting gold duplication bug

New World guidesNew World tips: Get started in Aeternum New World crafting: How it works New World leveling guide: How to get ahead New World weapons: Which...

What’s going on in New World: gank squads, sweary wicker baskets, and a war on gold farmers

Amazon Games' New World has had a successful launch, the odd hiccup aside, and a few weeks in players are starting to ask the...

New World bots flood fishing spots, so players bring boars to kill them

Amazon Games' MMO New World has had a successful first week, attracting just under a million players in its first weekend. Success, of course,...

Jeff Bezos heralds New World’s success ‘after many failures and setbacks in gaming’

Amazon's fantasy MMO New World went live earlier this week, and despite some high-profile troubles with long queues and silly lore, it's a hit:...

New World leveling guide

More New World guidesNew World crafting: How it works New World servers: Find the one for you New World petalcap: Where to find them New World hemp:...

Show us your New World characters

If you're jumping into New World today, you've got an agonising choice ahead before you find yourself shipwrecked in Aeternum. You'll need to decide...

New World: How to play with friends

Wondering how to play with friends in New World? Now that Amazon's MMO, New World, is finally out in the wild, you'll want to...

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