17.4 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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AI art generated by the malware behind the cyberattacks on Ukraine is necessarily grim and very wormy

The time of malware generated AI art is upon us, with the first images I've spotted rivalling that of the great HR Geiger in...

A new ‘browser-in-the-browser’ attack threatens Steam users

Receiving a Steam message from someone trying to scam you out of a Team Fortress 2 hat was a rite of passage for PC...

Costa Rica declared national emergency after massive hack

If you've ever needed proof that cyber attacks are a very real and devastating thing, the entire country of Costa Rica has declared a...

Windows 10 has a built-in ransomware block, you just need to enable it

Windows 10 comes with its own baked-in antivirus solution called Windows Defender, and it is enabled by default when setting up a new PC....

This panda hungers for your Steam and Discord logins

Here come the hackers again, poised to relieve you of your cryptocurrency and break into your Steam and Discord accounts. And in the same...

A crafty Linux malware has evaded detection for years and experts still don’t know what it does

Security researchers have discovered a crafty piece of malware written for Linux, but finding it after three years in the wild is just "the...

It took a global effort to take down the ‘world’s most dangerous’ malware botnet

Perhaps there will be far fewer ransomware attacks this year than in previous ones, or maybe that is being way too optimistic. Either way,...

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